Ticking Thursday. Everything is a go to start the day off, beginning with Amber Rose showing you can't talk mess about her baby boy. Speaking of boys, could a certain New York Knick star owe a lot of money over jewelry? He might not be getting tricked out in chains, but Lil Wayne had aTrick up his sleeve this week. All this coming up in SOHH Whatcha Think.
[Editor's Note: The views expressed in this column do not necessarily reflect those of SOHH]
1. Don't Talk About My Kid
There's no telling what is next for Amber Rose. She's done the video vixen thing, had a lot of fun dating rappers, enjoyed the media attention while she was pregnant and now she's back to her normal antics. Even though her baby boy Sebastian is bringing tons of happiness into her world, she made sure to put someone in check this week. Her Twitter page says it all:
"It's funny how every1 turns into a doctor when it comes 2 some1 else's baby. Relax, Sit back & take a shot of shutthefuckup thx :-)" (Amber Rose's Twitter)
Ouch! At least she tried to be kind of cute with it. You have to wonder what got her all worked up. Amber's been going a little tattoo-happy lately, could some people have told her to be a more responsible mother? #SOHHWhatchaThink?
2. The Passion Of Black Jesus
Is JR Smith the best basketball player in the game right now? Not at all, but with the power of Black Jesus on his side, maybe he thinks he is. It turns out the potential "Sixth Man of the Year" baller owes a hefty amount of dollars to a jeweler. TMZ has the gritty details:
Don't mess with Black Jesus ... or YOU WILL PAY ... just ask Knicks stud J.R. Smith, whose ass just lost a $48,000 lawsuit involving a diamond necklace that features an Afro-American rendition of the messiah. A jewelry company called Lemmerman's sued Smith, claiming he ordered a bunch of bling back in 2010 -- including a diamond chain, two Black Jesus pendants and some earrings -- totaling $25,500 ... but never paid. We're told one Jesus pendant and chain cost roughly $15,000 alone. (TMZ)
Considering how much money JR Smith probably makes on a nightly basis, this should be small pocket change for him. There's no lying about the chain, it definitely looks like something every baller should be wearing before and after those games. #SOHHWhatchaThink?
3. Weezy Trick
Is there a rumble going down in South Beach not involving the Miami Heat? It seems like something went off between Lil Wayne and Miami resident, or the Mayor as some people call him, Trick Daddy. Believe it or not, Christian Post has the inside:
lil-wayne-dhea-2012-03-05-300x300.jpgTrick Daddy
Lil Wayne reportedly engaged in a scuffle with fellow rapper Trick Daddy in Miami recently stemming from comments that the former made about the South Florida NBA team the Miami Heat. Wayne, the 30-year-old rapper, reportedly showed up to the Miami gentlemen's club King of Diamonds where he was confronted by the 39-year-old Miami rapper Trick Daddy. The latter reportedly threw a cigarette in Lil Wayne's face and a scuffle ensued, according to Vlad TV reports. Trick Daddy previously spoke about his issues with Lil Wayne and others who he felt disrespected his city. (Christian Post)
Could this have really gone down? It seems unlikely they would have had a moment and nothing was caught on-camera. Even more, could Trick Daddy really be harping on issues with Wayne over a few things he said about Miami? Especially considering he recently was hospitalized?#SOHHWhatchaThink?
That about wraps it up for today. This is SOHH On The Spot giving you the morning scoop from your favorite gossip sites.


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