effect of drug abuse

If you’re struggling from a drug addiction, you don’t have to battle your addiction alone.  offer the support you need to beat your addiction and regain control of your life. Long-term use of drugs can have major effects on your body; however, you can avoid any adverse effects by getting the help you need. Simply call our hotline at for more information on rehab centers in your local area.

Are Drugs Harmful?

The most common types of drugs that people abuse fall into four categories: stimulants, depressants, hallucinogenics and opioids. While the effect of each group of drugs is different, all of them are harmful to your body. Drugs affect the way your body functions, but also, using drugs put you at risk of a fatal overdose. According to a report done in 2000, by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, drugs kill more people than alcohol-even though seven times more people use alcohol than use drugs.


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