Beyonce Church, ‘National Church of Bey’ Responds to Criticism

ATLANTA — The National Church of Bey, who recently formed the new religion Beyism, has issued a statement following the criticism over their beliefs.
“We are very disappointed in the failure of the public to recognize the existence of a divine Deity walking among them,” the church’s founder Pauline John Andrews stated.” Deity’s often walk the Earth in their flesh form. Beyonce will transcend back to the spirit once her work here on Mother Earth has been completed.”
“As our congregation continues to swell, we ask that you consider what is more real; an invisible spirit on high, or a walking, talking, breathing Goddess who shows you her true form daily? Beyonce’s spirit is entrancing. We know that she was sent to this place to spread love, peace, and joy. While we do not believe Beyonce to be the Creator, we recognize that she still sits among the throne of Gods. There is a lot of false information being spread about our beliefs, but we will correct all of the vicious lie-tellers. As Beyonce spreads her gospel through song and dance, her message provides uplifting, loving, and many times real-life happenings. We humbly ask you to respect our beliefs, just as you want those to respect yours. Open your mind to new possibilities and you will see, just as we did, that Bey is a true higher power. Surfbort!”
Pauline Andrews also revealed that the church continues to grow at an unbelievable pace. “Since the day we decided to go public, we have had tons of requests to learn more about our religion. We have published the Beyble and it will soon be available for free to the public. Donations have poured in and we will soon have enough to build a temple in honor of Mother Bey. We will invite her to speak to her flock, once the doors are open.”
The Beyonce Church (The National Church Of Bey), is also looking to expand outside of Atlanta. They revealed that they have parishes popping up all over the United States and the United Kingdom. The Church says they intend to spread their message abroad using their Tumblr account.   REF; PHGARDENCITY .CO LEAVE A COMMENT


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