It'll be a girl for Kanye and Kardashian

Reality TV superwoman Kim Kardashian and rap star Kayne West are expecting a girl next month.
Reality TV superwoman Kim Kardashian and rap star Kayne West are expecting a girl next month.
  • News comes the same day Kardashian has a baby shower
  • The couple has been dating since last year
  • The baby is due next month
 Sometime in the not-too-distant future, Kanye West can once again break out the leather skirt and the pink Polos he once favored.
The rapper and his reality TV star girlfriend, Kim Kardashian, are having a girl.
The baby's gender was revealed in the eighth season premiere of "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" on Sunday night.
The episode shows Kardashian, 32, at a doctor's appointment for her 19-week checkup.
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"Do you see a little peepee?" Kris Jenner, Kardashian's mom, asks during the ultrasound. (The Kardashians never have been known for their subtlety.)
"I don't see any peepees," the physician, Dr. Paul Crane, responds.
He then adds, "I'm thinking it's a girl."
"Whats the percentage?" Kardashian asks.
"99 plus."
"99 plus? So I can tell people it's a girl?"
And that's how the world found out.
The news came the same day Kardashian, who's due next month, had a baby shower in Beverly Hills.
West and Kardashian, better known as "Kimye," have been dating since last year.
"I'm so excited we're having a girl. Who doesn't want a girl? I think they are the best," she said on Sunday's show. "I know that's really what Kanye has always wanted. He wanted a little girl."


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